A MVM Challenge and a Chance to Win $25 to diapers.com

A ManVsMommy challenge for a chance to win $25 to diapers.com:  Do you have a kids toy that starts to light up and sing if you just fart near it?  We do!!   Our Exersaucer-turned-activity-table goes off every time someone thinks about it, looks at it sideways, or walks near it. We were wondering how many times we heard this song in a week. I am planning on tallying how many times this song plays in one week from 1/4/12-1/11/12. Anyone care to venture a guess?? A few things that may help: 1) Ry does play with the toy himself at least once or twice a day. 2) It is housed in our general living space so we walk by it from morning until night.  Enter your guess in the comments section below or go to http://www.facebook.com/manvsmommy and enter your guess there!   Good Luck!

If you look closely, you can see it lighting up and going off to the left of Man.

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